Gaia Neos

Discover a mind-expanding collection of books that can weave words of wonder into your soul

Welcome to a new world of publishing

Launching soon


Life Hacks:

Tips of Practical Wisdom

to Enhance your Life

Gaia Neos is a new publishing company that is bringing you life-changing books mainly in the genres of Non-Fiction, Poetry and Children's stories. As well as print books, we are bringing you ebooks and audio books. We focus primarily on the areas of Poetry, Children's Stories, Pracical Wisdom, Mind Body Spirit, Metaphysics, Mysticism, Ecology and Holistic Health

Anticipated books include The Wouldland, Woven Prophecies, Metaphysics, Earth Wisdom, A Deep Stream, Huggy the Snot Monster and The Essence series.

Submission Guidelines:

A sample chapter may be submitted by email with a synopsis and a short biography. Generous royalties offered. Non-fiction books preferred but fiction, poetry and children's stories considered. Areas considered are Metaphysics, Mysticism, Ecology, New Earth, Indigenous Wisdom, Poetry, Mind Body Spirit, Sustainable Living and Holistic Health. Send submissions to

Internship opportunities at Gaia Neos Publishing

Work for us, it gives valuble experience and it looks great on a CV.

Minimal remuneration offered. Seeking marketing skills.

We envision a world where wisdom wings its way into the lives of many awakening souls, where books can be portals of such synchronising wisdom, and can be published without the commercialisation of large publishing corporations. A world where transporting and transforming books are gateways to a deeper understanding of the universe and an expanded awareness. Where books can help us to relate to each other, to the world and to ourselves. We are putting together an exciting collection of books to manifest that vison. Rediscover the wonder and the sacred in every word.

Our Vision

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